Aceite de pescado TherOmega® Omega-3
TherOmega es un suplemento de aceite de pescado omega-3 puro y sustentable que ofrece una fuente concentrada de DHA y EPA para la salud de todo el cuerpo, incluida la salud inmunológica, cerebral, de las articulaciones y ocular, además de niveles saludables de triglicéridos y la salud cardíaca en general.*
- 300 mg de DHA + 400 mg de EPA por cápsula blanda.
- Sostenible: Obtenido de manera responsable a partir de abadejo de Alaska capturado 100 % en estado salvaje.
- Sabor limpio: destilado molecularmente, desodorizado al vapor y ultrapurificado para una frescura excepcional.
- Doble certificación: Certificado por NSF International y el programa de Normas Internacionales de Aceite de Pescado (IFOS) por su excepcional pureza y ausencia de contaminantes.
- Probado de forma independiente y con certificación de contenido. Fabricado en EE. UU. en instalaciones que cumplen con las normas GMP.
Tome una cápsula blanda al día con la comida o según lo recomendado por su proveedor de atención médica.
What are omega-3 fatty acids?
ALA is plentiful in plant foods like flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and some vegetable oils. EPA and DHA are found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, and herring. EPA and DHA are the most studied omega-3s and are particularly beneficial for your health.* Your body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA, but this process is inefficient. So, the only way to support healthy EPA and DHA levels in the body is through your diet or an omega-3 supplement.
Those who don’t eat fish regularly may want to consider an omega-3 supplement.
How is TherOmega different from other omega-3 supplements?
Should I take TherOmega if I eat fish?
Talk with your healthcare provider about the dose of DHA + EPA that’s best for you.
How much EPA and DHA per day is safe?
Can I take TherOmega if I'm allergic to fish?
Should I take TherOmega if I have an upcoming surgery?
Can I take other nutritional supplements with TherOmega?
Does TherOmega interact with any prescription medications?
Antiplatelet/anticoagulant drugs (aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), dalteparin (Fragmin), dipyridamole (Persantine), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), and warfarin (Coumadin)): These medications slow blood clotting. Taking high-dose EPA and DHA (more than 5 grams per day) along with an antiplatelet or anticoagulant drug may increase the risk of bleeding.
High blood pressure medications: High doses of fish oil may modestly lower blood pressure when used alongside medications for high blood pressure.
Orlistat (Xenical, Alli): These medications reduce fat absorption and may decrease the absorption of omega-3 fatty acids. Separate from TherOmega by at least 2 hours.
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