Suplementos de vitamina D Thera-D®
Thera-D es un suplemento de vitamina D3 formulado para reponer y mantener niveles saludables de vitamina D para la salud de los huesos, el sistema inmunológico y el corazón.*
- Contiene vitamina D3, la forma más eficaz de aumentar los niveles de vitamina D en el organismo*
- Dosis flexible: Disponible en dosis de 50 mcg (2000 UI), 100 mcg (4000 UI) y 150 mcg (6000 UI) para satisfacer sus necesidades individuales de vitamina D.
- Diseñado para mantener niveles saludables de vitamina D para todos, especialmente adultos con exposición limitada al sol y vitamina D en su dieta.*
Probado de forma independiente y con certificación de contenido. Fabricado en EE. UU. en instalaciones que cumplen con las normas GMP.
Tome una tableta al día con la comida o según lo indique su médico.
How is Thera-D different from other vitamin D supplements?
How is Thera-D different from prescription vitamin D?
Your body metabolizes vitamin D3 more efficiently than vitamin D2, and vitamin D3 supplementation is less likely to result in toxicity.* Studies have shown that daily vitamin D3 is two to three times more efficient than high-dose weekly or monthly vitamin D2.* Vitamin D3 is considered the superior supplemental form of vitamin D.*
What are the benefits of vitamin D?
How much vitamin D do I need each day?
Are there any side effects from Thera-D?
Can I take other nutritional supplements with Thera-D?
Does Thera-D interact with any prescription medications?
Calcipotriene (Dovonex): Taking vitamin D along with this medication may increase the risk of hypercalcemia. Consult with your healthcare provider if you’re taking this medication along with Thera-D.
Digoxin (Lanoxin): Higher doses of vitamin D (above 100 mcg/4,000 IU) may increase the risk of hypercalcemia. Avoid taking Thera-D 4000 or Thera-D 6000 along with this medication, unless otherwise directed by your healthcare provider.
Diltiazem (Cardizem): Higher doses of vitamin D (above 100 mcg/4,000 IU) may decrease the therapeutic effects of this medication. Avoid taking Thera-D 4000 or Thera-D 6000 along with this medication, unless otherwise directed by your healthcare provider.
Verapamil (Calan): Higher doses of vitamin D (above 100 mcg/4,000 IU) may decrease the effectiveness of this medication. Avoid taking Thera-D 4000 or Thera-D 6000 along with this medication, unless otherwise directed by your healthcare provider.
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