ConcepciónXR® Salud Reproductiva
ConceptionXR Reproductive Health es un suplemento para la fertilidad masculina diseñado para cualquier hombre que esté planeando formar una familia.*
- Una mezcla central de antioxidantes en dosis altas (vitamina C, vitamina E, zinc y selenio), folato metilado y otros nutrientes esenciales para la fertilidad para promover la forma y función saludables de los espermatozoides.*
- Recubrimiento de liberación prolongada para una óptima absorción y tolerancia de nutrientes.*
- Probado de forma independiente y con certificación de contenido. Fabricado en EE. UU. en instalaciones que cumplen con las normas GMP.
Tome dos comprimidos al día con las comidas. Los comprimidos se pueden tomar al mismo tiempo o en momentos diferentes durante el día.
Los hombres deben tomar la fórmula de salud reproductiva ConceptionXR o la fórmula de apoyo a la motilidad ConceptionXR, no ambas.
How is ConceptionXR Reproductive Health Formula different from other male fertility supplements?
What is the difference between ConceptionXR Reproductive Health Formula and Motility Support Formula?
ConceptionXR Motility Support Formula provides the same two tablets as Reproductive Health, plus two capsules with L-carnitine and additional vitamin D3 to support healthy sperm motility.*
Do not take both ConceptionXR products at the same time. Take ONE ConceptionXR product or the other. Taking both products together would provide a higher dose of nutrients than recommended.
Who is likely to benefit from ConceptionXR Reproductive Health Formula?
Men that need extra nutrient support for sperm motility may consider ConceptionXR Motility Support Formula.* Sperm motility is particularly important for men planning to conceive naturally or through intrauterine insemination (IUI).
How long should I take ConceptionXR Reproductive Health Formula?
Are there side effects from ConceptionXR Reproductive Health Formula?
Can I buy ConceptionXR Reproductive Health Formula internationally?
For other international countries, please contact us to find out if Theralogix products are available or can be shipped to your country.
Can I take other nutritional supplements with ConceptionXR Reproductive Health Formula?
Does ConceptionXR Reproductive Health Formula interact with any prescription medications?
Antibiotics: Taking zinc (in ConceptionXR Reproductive Health) along with antibiotics can decrease their absorption and effectiveness. Depending on which antibiotic is prescribed, you may need to separate ConceptionXR Reproductive Health from the antibiotic, as indicated below.
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